66.那些没有亲眼看到实际交易的作者:P. F. de Moraes Farias, “Silent Trade: Myth and Historical Evidence.” History in Africa 1 (1974): 9-24.
67.关于无声交易的古老神话:Yāqūt, in Levtzion and Hopkins, ed., Corpus of Early Arabic Sources for West African History, 11.
68.气候变化:Sebastian Lüning et al., “Hydroclimate in Africa During the Medieval Climate Anomaly.” Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 495 (2018): 309-322; George E. Brooks, “A Provisional Historical Schema for Western Africa Based on Seven Climate Periods (ca. 9000 B.C. to the 19th Century).” Cahiers d’études Africaines 101.2 (1986): 43-62.